For all who do not have time to create an own Word 2010 style sheet for the thesis you can find below a German and English version of a Word 2010 style sheet for a Bachelor thesis, Masters thesis and dissertations.

In both versions an example of a table of contents, table of figures, list of abbreviations etc. is included. Please feel free to use these style sheets for your thesis. However please consider that universities may have specific demands of the formatting of your thesis.

Word 2010 style sheet English

[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]

Word 2010 style sheet German


For those who want to change the style sheet please find some helpful information here:

1. Divide your thesis into sections – set a section break

2. Create an individual style sheet in Word to get an automatic table of contents

3. Insert the header with a StyleRef formula to display heading and chapter number automatically

4. Inserting the page number in the footer – different numbering in the different break sections

5. Creating an automatic table of figures



Ich lebe in Bayern nahe München. In meinem Kopf habe ich immer viele Themen und probiert gerade im Bereich Internet neue Medien viel in meiner Freizeit aus. Ich schreibe an dem Blog da es mir Spaß macht über die Dinge zu berichten die mich begeistern. Ich freue mich über jeden Kommentar, über Anregung aber auch über Fragen.

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