I updated my Samsung Galaxy S2 to Android Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3. One of the first problems I ran into was that I cannot access to the internet, if I do not have WLAN access. The data transfer via 3G is not working. The data transfer option (use packet data) is activated but it does not transfer any data.
Activate use packet data:
Go to settings –> More… -> Mobile networks-> activate “use packet data”
But in most cases the reason why you cannot connect to the internet is that APN (access point name) is missing.
Set-up APN to get internet connection with Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.3
Die fehlende Datenverbindung habe ich wie folgt eingestellt. Dazu muss ein APN Zugnagspunkt eingerichtet werden. Den Menüpunkt findet ihr wie folgt umd einen APN einzurichten.
You have to set up the missing APN for your specific cell phone carrier (e.g. AT&T).
[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]
Set up APN:
Settings –> More… –> Mobile networks –> access point name –> new APN
Depending on your cell phone carriere you should google for e.g. “APN + AT&T” gesucht.
I have a German O2 contract and used the instructions O2 provides on their homepage: configure O2 APN
O2 Internet APN
- Profilname: o2 Internet
- APN: internet
- User name: not necessary
- Password: not necessary
- Homepage: http://m.o2online.de
Afterwards my Samsung Galaxy S2 could easily connect to the internet.
Thank you. Helpful. Got it working now)
Hi, you need to change the APN setting to the following.
Within the setting there is an option Accepoint type which is set to eiter mms, intern or something else. Remove it and set it to an asterisk (*). Save settings reboot and it should work, was the solution for me found on a dutch website.