I already used Samsung Kies to sync my Outlook calendar. Now I want to describe how to sync multiple Outlook calendars with my Samsung Galaxy S3.

Therefore I added a second Outlook calendar and created a test appointment on the 11th of June.

Galaxy S3 mehrere Kalender in Outlook

Galaxy S3 multiple Outlook calendars

Now I want to sync this calendar with my Samsung GAlaxy S3. After opening Samsung Kies I go to Sync and I choose “Sync schedule with Outlook” and “Selected schedule folder”. Afterwards I can select the second Outlook calendar in the dropdown box:

[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]

Galaxy S3 Samsung Kies sync multiple Outlook calendars

Galaxy S3 Samsung Kies sync multiple Outlook calendars

After clicking on the Sync button the appointment I just created for the 11th of June is also on my Samsung GAlaxy S3:

Galaxy S3 Synchronisieren mit mehreren Outlook Kalendern

Galaxy S3 sync multiple Outlook calendars

To sum it up, you can easily sync several Outlook calendars with your Samsung Galaxy S3 by using Samsung Kies.


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