The following article is about a 3GP to mp3 converter. I use my samsung galaxy S2 sometimes as an audio recorder. The problem is that I have to convert the 3GA files of my samsung galaxy S2 records into mp3 files to use them on my pc to edit them. The playback of the 3GA files is no problem with the vlc player on my pc but I want to edit them and to use them in e.g. an video.

I searched a converter programm and found a lot of expensive and malware programms. At the end I found the simple 3GP to MP3 Converter programm. It does the converting excellent and is free.

You will find it here: free download 3GP to MP3 Converter

3GP - 3GA to mp3 converter

3GP – 3GA to mp3 converter

The only thing I have to do with the files from my samsung galaxy S2 is to change the file ending / extensions from *.3ga into *.3gp. After this change the 3GP to MP3 converter opens the file and converts into an mp3 file.

[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]

How to change the file extensions:

  1. First start the windwos explorer. Click on the button Organize and select the “Folger and seach options” entry.
  2. Switch to the tab “View” and search the check box “Hide extensions for known file types”. Uncheck the check box.
  3. Now you are able to change the file extension with the windows explorer.
    Hide extensions of known file types

    Hide extensions of known file types



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