I installed the Philips MyRemote 2.0 app on my Samsung Galaxy S2 to replace the conventional remote control and to control the Philips LED TV 47PFL7666K. This small test report will show you the new functions that the MyRemote 2.0 app offers and turns your Smartphone into a cool remote control for your TV. With Philips MyRemote app for Android and iOS Smartphones it is now possible to easily enter text or to share your media files on your TV. In my opinion the application works perfect. Controlling the TV with my Galaxy S2 is a pleasure and I do not need the classic remote control any more.  Now you can stream pictures, videos, and music easily from Smartphone or Tablet to your Philips Smart LED TV. This function is new in the 2.0 version and very cool. All you need is the app which turns your android device into a remote control! The precondition to use this app is that both, tv and smartphone, are connected to the same WIFI. Therefore there is no need to point the smartphone in the direction of the IR reciever of the TV like with the old IR remote controls. Now it is possible to control the tv in any position on the couch or even from another room.

I do not have a tablet yet but with a tablet you can browse through the Electronic Program Guide (EPG). The feature is very cool because you can check  ratings and if you want just switch the program.

Philips MyRemote 2 - Homescreen

Philips MyRemote 2 - Homescreen

Download Link:

Before installing please check if your smartphone supports all requirements needed by MyRemote app from Philips. You will find a few comments in the net that the app has sometimes problems with a too low screen resulution.

Net TV controls

This controls are the same as in the older version. Nothing new and still works perfect. The controll of your Philips SmartTV is very easy and fast.

Philips MyRemote - navigation

Philips MyRemote - navigation

This is a picture from the latest NetTV I tried last weekend on the Philips LED TV 47PFL7666K. I will write a small reporte about the new NetTV version maybe next weekend.

Philips Net TV latest version

Philips Net TV latest version


A very cool feature is the simplyshare function the new MyRemote 2.0 app offers you. The simplyshare function enables your Smartphone to stream pictures to your Philips TV. For example I showed my parents the latest pictures from my Florida Roadtrip. It is also possible to stream videos and music files to your SmartTV. I’m looking forward for new functions the app will offers in the future.

The next picture shows the SimplyShare Setup menu. Inside this menu you configure the SimplyShare server and also the interval for your slideshow. This is very cool if you show your friends your holiday pictures on your TV at home.

Philips MyRemote 2 - SimplyShare Server

Philips MyRemote 2 - SimplyShare Server

SimplyShare Server Problems

The new function works fine for pictures but the playback of videos don’t work for me. I tried to stream with my SGS2 the following videos which are decoded with the the following codecs:

[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]

7 mile bridge Key West Florida Road Trip HD.MOV

  • Codec: MPEG-4 Video (mp4v)
  • Resolution: 1920×1080
  • FPS: 25

7 mile bridge Key West Florida Road Trip SD.MOV

  • Codec: MPEG-4 Video (mp4v)
  • Resolution: 1280×720
  • FPS: 25


  • Codec: Motion JPEG Video (jpeg)
  • Resolution: 640×480
  • FPS: 30

The last video “P1030764.MOV” was recorded with my Samsung Galaxy S2. Well I am very unhappy that it won’t work for me because I would love this function in comibination with an android tablet like a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1N WiFi 16GB. I will try to get the video playback to run on my SGS2.

Philips MyRemote 2 - Playback error

Philips MyRemote 2 - Playback error

TV Guide (tablet only)

Sorry I still have no tablet…

Philips Forum

The Philips forum is very cool and offers informations and discussions around the android app. Just follow the link. MyRemote App for Android


This the information / help inside the Philips MyRemote 2.0 app shows you to help you.

Philips MyRemote 2 - Information

Philips MyRemote 2 - Information

Release notes “MyRemote 2.0” app for Android.

These release notes are from the Philips homepage: link

  • Dedicated tablet HD version of MyRemote.
  • Simplyshare: Streaming of pictures, videos and music from your computer, Smartphone or Tablet to your Philips devices.
  • Net TV controls for your Net TV experience.
  • TV Guide (tablet only): Your TV’s Program Guide in which you can view program info and ratings without interrupting your current TV watching. Additionaly you can even switch to that program instantly! Note: this works only in combination with IP-EPG, not with Broadcasters IPG.
  • Control: The Remote Control as you’re used to have it in the Philips MyRemote. Note: it is NOT possible to control AVM devices (BDP, HTS, etc.) with the Tablet version!


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