KML MergeHow to merge multiple KML/KMZ files to a big one.

After my Florida Roadtrip I had up to 17 KML files. My problem was that I want a single kml file to display the roadtrip track in google earth. I tried to merge them with google Earth and GPS Babel. But I had so my problems to get one big file with all my tracks.

At the end I found the “KML Merge v1.0 for Google Earth”. This small programms worked perfect for me.

Free download link

[sam_zone id=”2″ codes=”true”]

The programm works perfect. It is a small *.exe file and I had no problems to run it on my Windows 7 notebook. It merged the 14 KML files very fast.

KML Merge for Google Earth

KML Merge for Google Earth

This was our roadtrip through Florida. We started at Miami and the traveled to Fort Lauderdale… anticlockwise. The color change shows a new day.
Florida roadtrip

Florida roadtrip


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