KML MergeHow to merge multiple KML/KMZ files to a big one.
After my Florida Roadtrip I had up to 17 KML files. My problem was that I want a single kml file to display the roadtrip track in google earth. I tried to merge them with google Earth and GPS Babel. But I had so my problems to get one big file with all my tracks.
At the end I found the “KML Merge v1.0 for Google Earth”. This small programms worked perfect for me.
Free download link
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The programm works perfect. It is a small *.exe file and I had no problems to run it on my Windows 7 notebook. It merged the 14 KML files very fast.
I found this tool elsewhere but it doesn’t work for me. I have 8 KML files and the program tells me it has merged them, but there’s no output file.
This actually works! Great. The only thing I wish it did was removing the huge icons on each single track start and end point. It looks terrible on a map.
Does not seem to work.
Whatever the kml/kmz file I try to load, at items it always shows “error” and it won’t make any kmz/kml file.
Hi Umpie,
with which programm you created the kml files you used?
Maybe they have an error.