A good formatting of the dissertation, Bachelor and Master’s thesis is the basis to write a successful thesis. To avoid a lot of trouble with formatting at the end of the thesis you should think about doing some basic adjustments in Word at the beginning.

As I already coached a lot of students during their study and the writing of a Master’s and Bachelor thesis, I want to encourage each student to pace the way with a good formatting and style sheet in Word. From my experience, I really can recommend to use Word 2010 and in most cases it is not necessary to use a professional layout program.

In the following 5 chapters a guideline helps you to set up an individual style sheet for your thesis. There is also a free English version of a Word 2010 style sheet that you can download in chapter 6.

1. Divide your thesis into sections – set a section break

2. Create an individual style sheet in Word to get an automatic table of contents

3. Insert the header with a StyleRef formula to display heading and chapter number automatically

4. Inserting the page number in the footer – different numbering in the different break sections

5. Creating an automatic table of figures

6. Free download of a Word 2010 style sheet for Bachelor thesis, Master’s thesis, dissertation


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