AirDroid is a free app with which you can administrate your Android smartphone. I installed AirDroid 1.1.0 beta on my Samsung Galaxy S2. With AirDroid you are able to upload photos music, movies with your computer via Browser.

This article describes how you have to configure AirDroid on your smartphone and which functions are available on your smartphone. In my next article “” I describe how you remote administrate your smartphone with the functions AirDroid offers via browser.

  • With AirDroid you do not need to connect your Smartphone via USB cable to administrate it.
  • You are independent from Samsung Kies or a Windows, Apple or Linux pc. You only need an internet browser your choice.
  • The communication is secure because it uses https.

AirDroid connection configuration:

The first screen shows the connection parameters. Everything is configured and AirDroid is ready for connection. Important is, that your Smartphone is connected to your home network via w-lan. AirDroid shows to addresses over which you can connect your browser with your Smartphone. I use my Samsung Galaxy S2 for this test.

  • (the first numbers showing my IP address.)
AirDroid - Connection

AirDroid – Connection

In the right corner you see the password which you need to connect with your browser. The password is always changing if start AirDroid once again.

If you have successfully connected your computer with your smartphone AirDroid shows the next screen.


AirDroid - Connected

AirDroid – Connected

AirDroid Tools overview:

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The AirDroid tools tab shows a nine functions / tools. I will explain the functions one by one.

  • Device
    • The function shows the CPU usage, the battery life, free sd-card disk space. I do not really need this overview because I only need AirDroid to manage my music and picture files.
  • Apps
    • This function shows the user apps. You are able to uninstall an app but not to install an app over the PlayStore from google. This function is also available on the web interface as explained in this article “”.
  • Files
    • Here you have the functions to copy, delete and share your file.
  • Tasks
    • Shows the tasks running on your smartphone.
  • Network
    • With this function you are able to configure your smartphone network settings.
  • Rate
    • This function opens the PlayStore and you are able to rate the app.
  • Data Counter
    • Shows the Total amount of data you uploaded and downloaded via AirDroid.
  • Help
    • Help opens short HowTo / help for AirDroid
  • About
    • Only shows information’s over AirDroid and the version of AirDroid. I installed the version 1.1.0 beta.
AirDroid - Tools

AirDroid – Tools


How you can use AirDroid to administrate your smartphone is explained in the following article:




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