I bought the Asus N76VJ notebook and now I have a problem with the touchpad and the cursor. The cursor is haywire and drives me crazy. It is almost impossible to move the cursor to a certain button to start for example the browser. It is also almost impossible to select a part of text for copying the selected text. Everything I tried to solve the problem is described in the text below.

The interesting thing is that you will find many reports of this problem posted in the internet. I think it is a common problem with the Asus N76VJ and not a problem of the device I bought. I also think it is a touchpad problem from the touchpad manufacturer Synaptic.

Asus Notebook N76VJ

Asus Notebook N76VJ

I only have the problem with the cursor if the AC adapter is connected. If the AC adapter is connected and I touch the case of the Asus N76VJ with the left hand or with the palm of the right hand the haywire problem with the cursor is not so bad. I have observed that the problem vanishes if the AC adapter is not connected.

I think it is a problem of the Multi-Gesture / Multitouch Touchpad which works capacitive like the touchpad of my Asus notebook N76VJ.

Windows 8 Driver

I informed myself over the internet which Windows 8 driver maybe will solve the problem. I found out that the manufacturer of the touchpad is Synaptics. I downloaded the latest driver from Synaptics and installed it. The problem with the haywire cursor was not fully solved but a little bit better.

This is the download page from Synaptics.

Synaptics driver: download

The next problem I had with the downloaded an installed driver was that after each restart the driver setup program starts and tried to install the driver a second time. That’s annoying and incredible for such an expensive notebook.


Since I could not fix the problem with the cursor I send back the ASUS N76VJ notebook to Amazon. The notebook is very good and I would also like to keep it. But with a crazy cursor no chance… Sorry Asus!


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