In my article How to pick out the Windows 8 Product Key I explained how to pick out your Windows 8 serial number from the BIOS of an ASUS N76VJ Notebook. But it is still open how I can install Windows 8 on a new hard drive although no Windows 8 DVD is shipped with the ASUS N76VJ. A recovery DVD will not help me to install Windows 8 on a new hard drive.

The only way is to get a Windows 8 DVD which is the same one installed on your ASUS N76VJ notebook. In my case it is a Windows 8 64 Bit. If the correct Windows 8 is on the DVD the installation of Windows 8 on a new hard drive in your N76VJ notebooks makes no problems. In my case the setup started an only asked me how I want to partitioning the new hard drive.

Asus N76VJ hard drive change

Asus N76VJ hard drive change

The comfort with the stored serial number in the BIOS is that the setup of Windows 8 does not ask you for the serial number during the installation. Also all the annoying programs ASUS installs on the N76VJ are erased with a new installation. Now I have a original Windows without all the preinstalled programs from ASUS like the McAfee virus scanner. That’s very cool. Okay, but it is only allowed to install Windows 8 on one computer.

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This picture shows the new installed Windows 8. During the installation I was never asked to enter the serial number. I disabled all the sharing functions which are activated by default.

Asus N76VJ Windows 8 new installation

Asus N76VJ Windows 8 new installation


All my doubts against Windows 8 and the stored serial number in the BIOS are now cleared. With the Windows 8 DVD I got I am now able to install Windows 8 on my N76VJ without all the preinstalled ASUS tools and annoying programs. It was easy to install Windows 8 on a new hard drive.


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